


Faculté de Droit, de Science politique et de Criminologie
Département de droit
Droit matériel européen
Faculté de Droit, de Science politique et de Criminologie
Département de droit
Droit romain et droit privé comparé

ULiège address
Bât. B33 Droit matériel européen
Quartier Agora
place des Orateurs 1
4000 Liège 1
ULiège phone number
+32 4 3662762
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University degrees
2018: Master complémentaire en droit (LLM) (London School of Economics)
2017: Master en droit (Université de Liège)


Cyril Fischer is a PhD student under the supervision of Prof. Dr. Pieter Van Cleynenbreugel. His thesis project, entitled "(Re-)thinking digital platforms' responsibilities: a focus on data, consent and metaverse" aims to answer the following central research question: how are (and should) digital platforms (be) governed in terms of responsibilities, including vis-à-vis data?

This main question is broken down into 5 questions, which can be summarised as follows: (1) does the Digital Services Act propose a new general responsibility regime for platforms vis-à-vis the e-commerce directive 2000/31 as interpreted by the Court of Justice of the European Union; (2) how could the current consent mechanism deployed as the main way to endorse obligations and give rights be revisited or replaced in the digital environment;

(3) what are the main challenges platforms navigating the so-called `metaverse¿ would pose, and to what extent could the current regulation be translated into the metaverse; (4) how to rethink the qualification under the General Data Protection Regulation 2016/679 of current and future cloud computing platforms, and; (5) how can the upcoming regulatory mosaic governing data be systematised for digital platforms?

In addition to his thesis, Cyril is also a lawyer and a teaching assistant for the European Substantive Law course and the European Law, Big Data and Artificial Intelligence seminar.

Cyril joined the EU Legal Studies in 2021. He holds a Master of Laws from the University of Liege (2017) and an LLM from the London School of Economics (2018). He also followed the Law, Cognitive Technology & Artificial Intelligence course at the Brussels School of Competition (2021).

Finally, Cyril is a scientific associate of the Roman Law and Comparative Private Law department of the ULiege. Since 2019, Cyril is a conferencier at the University of Luxembourg, where he gives a seminar entitled "Internet Litigation".

Research field

  • Droit européen
  • Droit de l'informatique
  • Droit des médias
  • Libertés et droits de l'homme

Duties or mandates

  • Avocat au Barreau de Bruxelles
  • Assistant à mi-temps

ULiège Course

Droit de la protection des données personnelles, 20h Th, Suppl: FISCHER Cyril

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