Boursier Post-Doctorat


Faculté de Droit, de Science politique et de Criminologie
Département de science politique

ULiège address
Bât. B31 Spiral
Quartier Agora
Place des Orateurs 3 bte 8
4000 Liège
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Daniele Valisena (1986), Ph.D.  in History of Science, Technology and the Environment. Since October 2021, I work as a post-doctoral researcher in environmental humanities at the University of Liège, Belgium, and as a part-time lecturer in history of migration and the environment at NYU Florence. From fall 2015 to June 2020, I worked at the KTH - Royal Institute of Technology within the KTH Environmental Humanities Laboratory. My PhD program was part of the ITN ¿ Marie Sklodowska-Curie Network ENHANCE.

My background is in modern history, but my scholarly work delves into migration and heritage studies, environmental humanities, and environmental history. Through my research, I focused on the interplay between migration and environmental history, touching also upon themes such as walking as a method, ruderality, and more-than-human storying, post-industrialization, urban political ecology, and critical heritage studies. I¿m a member of the European Society for Environmental History and part of the political ecology collective Ecologie Politiche del Presente based in Naples, Italy.

Research field

  • Histoire de l'environnement
  • Histoire contemporaine [de 1800 à 1914]
  • Géographie historique [Sciences humaines]
  • Ethnographie
  • Sociologie de la santé