Mesydel is a Spin-Off of the Faculty of Law, Political Science and Criminology of ULiege. Created in 2017, the company commercializes online participatory consultation software and multidisciplinary scientific expertise, promoting collective decision-making and consensus building around complex issues.

Mesydel uses the Delphi method, a technique that structures group communication to manage complex issues. Once the theme and the panel of stakeholders consulted have been defined, a first questionnaire is sent to them, with open and closed questions. Each participant answers the questions anonymously. The answers to this questionnaire are analyzed and synthesized by a member of the Mesydel team and serve as a basis for a new questionnaire. This second questionnaire allows each participant to take note of the answers of the others, to position themselves in relation to the group and to refine their previous answers and ideas.

Mesydel collaborates with universities, public institutions and private organizations.


Mesydel in 2 minutes

Mesydel is a Spin-Off of the Faculty of Law, Political Science and Criminology of ULiege. Created in 2017, the company commercializes online participatory consultation software and multidisciplinary scientific expertise, promoting collective decision-making and consensus building around complex issues.

Interested in creating a spin-off?

Explore the opportunities to bring your research results to the market with the FR2B program: 4 months to discover the entrepreneurial posture and help your research leave the lab.

Indeed, the'From research to business' (FR2B) training allows you to develop a professional network and entrepreneurial skills. It has been specially designed to initiate and support researchers in their efforts to create a company (spin-off type).

Resulting from the collaboration between the Interface ULiège, VentureLab, idCampus and high-level trainers, the program is open to 10 research projects.


updated on 4/4/24

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